Save One of the greatest things about having your own business, of being an entrepreneur is choosing whom you work with. No more clients chosen by your sales team or your boss. You no longer have to work ...
Every business should be able to shout out about who their ideal clients or customer avatars are…yes you do have more than one. We’ve all done the exercise. Writing down who will buy our products and how our ...
Imagine this. You are searching the web, looking for information or help on a particular subject. You come across a great blog post. You read it and feel like you really got some value from the content. You ...
Pinterest is one of my favourite platforms for promotion, not only does it have an incredible reach, but it's also fun to use. When it comes to showing your personality, your likes and dislikes nothing beats Pinterest. Your ...
I have interviewed alot of people, when i did my first few interviews it was painful, I was under prepared, i didn't even think about the tech failing (and it did) and so many other things that were ...
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